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Your Immediate Attention is Needed

*|FNAME|*, We Want You Back! We miss you. We understand life is crazy and wanted to send you a friendly reminder that your Condominium Travel Club Membership is currently expired. You have lost your Membership Privileges. Give us a call today to review and maintain access to all of your CTC Member Benefits.

Did You Know While You Were Away?

While you were away The Membership Team at CTC is continuously developing New Member Programs that now makes your CTC Membership easier to use, access to more benefits and many new travel options that deliver greater savings. Do not delay and call our Member Renewal’s today to hear all of the new benefits you are entitled to receive with an active membership.

We want you back!

As a convenience, you may renew your CTC Membership Online at www.condotravelclub.com/renew or please contact us at 866-506-0378 or Text to 315-298-3570 so we may assist you. Do not forget to ask how you can receive a $199 credit for your next condo vacation.

Your Membership
Made to fit your needs
What Our Members Are Saying
Nashville, TN

"This is a very nice facility - I would recommend to all my friends & clients. Condo Travel did a great job for me!!"

Anaheim, CA

"We enjoyed the condo very much. It was clean, close to the attractions, and we had gated parking. The condos have balconies to watch the Disneyland fireworks at night, and they offered 2 free breakfasts. We hope this property is offered again on the hotweeks. Thank you so much."

Joseph C.
Hilton Head, SC

"All personnel was very helpful and accommodating in meeting our travel needs in a very timely manor. Their follow through was wonderful... calling to make sure our airline tickets were received."

Harold and Nancy W.
Kingsbury Crossing, Lake

"We just got back from using a "Hot Week" in Lake Tahoe. We enjoyed the condo and entire facility as well as the beautiful scenery of Lake Tahoe region. Your help in securing that week was excellent and we look forward to many more pleasant experiences using Condo Travel Club."

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